On the only elk’s farm in Russia near Kostroma medical elk’s milk is produced. To tame wild elk is impossible. An elk takes a milkmaid for a calf and therefore can be milked; it is a complicated and dangerous procedure.
An elk doesn’t have a gallbladder, so in its body doesn’t happen a fermentation process and all the nutrients of the plants are processed straight into milk. Thus, an elk is a “factory” for processing plants in therapeutic milk, which is hypoallergenic and 100% absorbed by skin. A wild elk consumes food of more than 200 species of wild berries, herbs and shrubs – rose, hawthorn, bark, branches, willow, willow, birch leaves, aspen, various roots and mushrooms.
Elk’s milk is unique in its composition. It contents fat from 14% to 18% and protein – up to 10%. There are 5 times more vitamins, trace elements and amino acids than in cow’s milk. Due to the high content of enzymes and proteins, elk’s milk has a strong moisturizing and anti-aging effect.
All the year round elks eat only fresh plants. They don’t get shots of antibiotics, just for prevention; do not get growth hormones to get faster yields. And indeed no artificial incentive intervention in elk’s life happens. And what is the result? As a result – organic elk’s milk!